Relevant Articles & Resources


Combining Strangulation and Sexual Abuse as Tools of Intimate Partner Abuse by Kelsey McKay, J.D. for the Sex Offender Law Report

Chief of staff at Westlake Medical Center jailed after pleading guilty to assault charge by Katie Hall for The Austin American-Statesman


No Grey Zone Podcast : Interview with Kelsey McKay, Founder of RESPOND Against Violence & The UnCooperative

Podcast on Crimes Against Women, Episode 3 by Kelsey McKay

Voices 4 Change Radio Show, Episode 2 RESPOND Against Violence & Finding Jenn’s Voice

Voices 4 Change -Tracy Schott & Kelsey McKay

Voices 4 Change Radio Show, Episode 9 Leading the Change by Mentoring and Collaborating: Celebrate International Women’s Day

Voices 4 Change -Tracy Schott, Kelsey McKay, & Tristan Troken

Voices 4 Change Radio Show, Episode 13 Re-Traumatization of the Criminal Justice System for Survivors of Gender-Based Violence

Voices 4 Change -Tracy Schott & Kelsey McKay


Videos and features with Founder Kelsey McKay